
Avg pc tuneup
Avg pc tuneup

avg pc tuneup

The simple tiles on the startup screen allow quick access to the basic functions of the program, as well as, for the more confident user, the ability to access advanced features of the program. This simple to use program is perfect for those without experience of the most advanced functions of their computer, and will allow you to streamline your hard disk usage and speed, manage the list of startup programs to quicken your computer's boot up sequence, view advanced system information, speed up your internet connection, and even restore your computer in case of a problem. Getting your PC to run a little quicker can be a tough job for those without professional programming knowledge, and the average layperson is often terrified of doing something wrong. Words like PC optimization and drive defragmentation are often enough to put inexperienced users off keeping their PC working at its best.

avg pc tuneup

With these features, and many more, AVG PC TuneUp is the thing for you if you want to keep your PC running at its best. This PC optimization reduces the energy your PC gobbles up, streamlining battery usage, as well giving the environment a helping hand.

avg pc tuneup

The disk defragmentation facility will have your computer's disk spinning up in record time, and the read arm zooming to the precise point your data is located in the blink of an eye, reducing lag time when opening files. The startup optimizer will have your PC booting up in a fraction of the time it normally takes by maximizing processing power for when your computer should be concentrating its efforts on becoming operational. This program can also dynamically stop non-essential processes to squeeze back some processing power when you need it most.

avg pc tuneup

This program has the ability to tinker with active processes, shutting down those processes that are not doing anything useful, but still guzzling resources. AVG PC TuneUp's automatic mode allows the program to improve your computer's running speed in the background, or manual mode can be utilized for a more hands-on approach and a finer level of control. AVG PC TuneUp is a powerful PC optimization tool, available for all Windows Operating Systems, including both 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows 8.

Avg pc tuneup